Friday, March 4, 2011

6 Secrets of Perfect Stamping

If your stamped images aren't turning out as perfectly as you'd like, read these tips for an instant improvement!

1. Use the right kind of ink for the job
Knowing what kind of ink will work well on the surface you're stamping on is the first step to clear, crisp images that won't smear. Check out our stamping glossary to learn more about different types of inks.

2. Fully ink the image
Unless your goal is a distressed or fuzzy image, verify your stamp is fully inked before stamping your image. Use a brayer to help you ink large surfaces.

3. Don't guess on placement; use your tools
Use gridlines on acrylic blocks to help you line up multiple clear stamps and perfectly place your images, or, if you're using a rubber stamp, reach for a Stamp-a-ma-jig.

4. Stamp straight down; lift straight up
It sounds like a no-brainer, but many of us have the tendency to rock our stamps when we place them on our cardstock or lift them up. Practice stamping in a straight down, straight up motion to create clear stamped images without that annoying "halo" effect.

5. Clean your stamps
When you're quickly moving from one fabulous creative idea to the next, it can be hard to remember to clean your stamps. But if you do, they'll last longer, accept ink more readily, and stamp cleaner images.

6. Condition your stamps
If you aren't happy with the quality of your stamped images, try going over the surface of your stamp with a large pink eraser in order to give your ink a little texture to grip to. This is especially effective with larger stamps, and it works on both clear and rubber varieties to give you crisper images.

Happy Scrappin'!

Mad About Scrapbooking?

Are You Mad About Scrapbooking? Then This Is The Book For You!

Do you want to create beautiful scrapbook pages, but don't know where to start?

Do you have stacks of pictures and paper, but no inspiration?

You’ve got so many of your precious memories and pictures stashed away in a box under the bed. How great would it be to know you have them preserved in a lovingly created scrapbook that you could show with pride to your friends and family?

Do you suffer from frustration and scrapbooking block? Then Scrapbooking Madness – Tips and Tricks is the book for you!

You have no idea what you want to create, and you are overwhelmed by all the choices available. If you are unsure how to begin to layout your pages, what theme to use, or even what backgrounds and establishments to utilize to make your pages pop, then this book is for you!

Do you spend hours looking at scrapbook magazines and wish you could create something like what you see on the page? Then this book is for you!

Create engaging and charming layouts that your friends will envy and your family will adore!!

Here are just a few things you will learn:

How to pick the perfect materials for each job...

• Choose the best album size for your projects...

How to add journal entries to make your scrapbook more personal for your family...

• How to choose the best colors for your pictures...

How to embellish and use ornamentation...

• And so much more!!!

So, stop wasting time and money on expensive materials that you don't know how to use, or special equipment that you don't know how to work!

You will save time and money with this book! You will learn step by step how to go about creating a page.

With this book you will be getting started within a half an hour!

So order today and begin creating beautiful and engaging scrapbooks that you will be proud of, and your family and friends will love and admire.

Click Here To Get Started Today!